California Energy Law Will Cost Landlord and Tenant More Money

California’s energy laws can cost more money in the form of higher utility bills and increased rent costs.
California is said to be a leader in energy efficiency, which often means that landlords must make upgrades to their properties to meet updated standards.
Those upgrades can be costly for Landlords and tenants.
For example, many landlords in California may have to pay for costly water-saving equipment like low-flow toilets, shower heads and electric stoves.
If a tenant fails to pay utility bills or comply with a state or local energy conservation ordinance, the landlord may be able to terminate the lease on that basis.
Landlords cannot evict tenants simply because they do not agree to a retrofit or other repairs.
Landlords must follow the applicable state and local laws regarding tenant evictions, which generally require the landlord to provide notice and a legally valid reason for eviction.
A tenant may have the right to challenge an eviction in court.

California is looking at passing several laws dealing with energy, from outlawing the use of gas for home appliances to apartment building having to have EV charging stations setup for their tenants.
In my opinion, these laws will be costly for property owners, landlords and tenants.
This is only my opinion and I could be wrong, but you need to know.
Steve Olmos
Selling real estate in Southern California since 1980
Steve Olmos:
Homequest Real Estate
Diana Olmos:
Statewide Funding Inc
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