California keeps taking cities controls and cities rights.
It seems that each year the state passes new laws to take more and more control of what cities can do to keep building under control.
And it seems that the more new buildings that are built, the more services the cities need to supply and the more money they need to supply those services and the more taxes people in their cities need to pay or people in their cites have to pay for services beside the tax, that was part of the taxes they paid before.
Builders already do not have to pay for a number of services the cities have to supply because of the in pack of what being build.
Below are only a couple of the new laws passed that when into effect this year.
California says we have a housing shortage, as more and more homes are bought up by corporations and REITS. Many of the corporations and REITs (real estate investment trusts), are not even own or run by American companies.
This year, several new laws have gone into effect that gave the state more right to override the rights of cities and the people that live in those cities.
California is using the housing shortage to give them these rights.
Legislation by San Francisco Democratic Sen. Scott Wiener Senate Bill 423 re-ups and expands a law that speeds up the approval of apartment buildings in which some units are set aside for lower income Californians. Exempting them from public hearings and environmental legal challenges.
Effectively cutting the groups and agencies like the Coastal Commission out of the process that were set up to protect are coast.
AB 1287, a bill by San Diego Democratic Assembly member David Alvarez, gives developers permission to build denser, taller buildings if they set aside additional units for middle-income earners,
Cal Matters says that these new California law will make it more difficult for opponents of proposed housing projects to use the California Environmental Quality Act to delay certain types of housing projects.

Source of this information is from Cal Matter, and here is the link to the full article:
Just keeping you up today date on laws California is passing that affect you.
Steve Olmos
Selling real estate in Southern California since 1980
Steve Olmos:
Homequest Real Estate
Diana Olmos:
Statewide Funding Inc.
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