What Is A Real Estate Agent


What the different between a real estate agent and a Realtor.
A real estate agent is just that, an agent that can sell real estate in the state they have their license in and this not a member of their local NAR (National Association of Realtor)
A REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.

What is a real estate agent?, A real estate agent is a person that has taken the real estate exam, passed it and now has a real estate license to sell real estate; homes, land, condos, townhouses, businesses etc.

What is a real estate agent

What’s the difference between a real estate agent and a Realtor.

A real estate agent is just that, an agent that can sell real estate in the state they have their license in and is not a member of their local NAR (National Association of Realtor)

A REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.

A real estate broker is a real estate agent who has continued their education and successfully received a state real estate broker’s license.

A real estate broker does the same things that a real estate agent does.

Real Estate Brokers are licensed to work independently, can employ agents and own their own brokerage.

A real estate broker associate is a Broker who chooses to work under another broker.

The vast majority of real estate agents, Realtors and brokers in California are paid on a commission basis.

This means they earn a percentage of the sale price of properties they help sell or buy.

However, some agencies might offer a base salary.

Why hire a real estate agent, Realtor or broker to buy or sell a house when you can do it on your own?

A Realtor is a real estate professional and, like attorneys, they know their business.

Those trained in the legal profession often point to a famous Abraham Lincoln quote when discussing pro se defendants: “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.”

And the same quote could be said about those trained in the real estate profession.

There is a lot more to selling a house then just putting a sign in your front yard.

And as a buyer you want a professional that knows the areas, the paperwork, and that can help you find what you can afford and what you want.

Have ever been on a road thinking you knew where you were going and then find yourself lost?

Steve Olmos, Realtor/Associate Broker
Call or text (909) 226-3551 to set an appointment or to ask a real estate question

Looking for a home can be the same as getting lost on the road, only it can cost you a lot more money and time.

Steve Olmos
Selling real estate in Southern California since 1980

Steve Olmos: www.steveolmos.com
Homequest Real Estate

Diana Olmos: www.mortgagemarketingmentor.com
Statewide Funding Inc.


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