Will owning a home be a thing of the past? It is hard to believe that a day homeownership comes to an end sometime in the future.
Will Owning a Home Be a Thing of The Past?
It is hard to believe that a day homeownership comes to an end sometime in the future.
Or losing a home you own, because of some new law was passed.
Let’s look at the past to see a couple of examples of how the government has passed laws as a way to take land from people.
We could start with the American Indians, the government wanted to expand in the west and push for people to move to the west that they allowed new settlers to take lands as they move west taking land the American Indians use and lived on for hundreds of years.
Then there were the land grants given by Mexico to landowners in California, who then lost it to settlers as they move into California from the eastern part of the country.
When the government wanted the railroads to expand, they give the railroads acres of land on both side of the tracks they lad to them, taking it away from anyone the owned it.
Then there are the people, who own land, work the land or, like, my grandfather, who bought homes and own businesses just to lose them to the government when they decided to add taxes on properties people owned.
Of course, they added these taxes, so many homeowners, landowners and business owners don’t have the monies to keep what they owned.
My grandfather was one of the lucking ones; he lost his properties and businesses, but was able to keep his home.
Yes, there is a history of ways people have lost their lands and homes due to the government passing laws or allowing things to happen.
And there are ways that owners can lose the lands, homes and investment to the government even today.
Now many investors are about to or have lost or sold their apartment because renters have been able to stay without paying rent.
Look around, how many homes or businesses around you are now own by Corporations or investment groups and are renting out those properties?
Yes, big corporations and large investment groups can afford to take a loss short term while the little guy can’t.
Open your eyes and see that California is trying to find ways to remove the ownership of homes and lands from the individual by raising taxes, allowing insurance companies to stop offering fire insurance and by trying to remove proposition 13.
Owning your own home has been an American dream and should be a goal every American should have.
Don’t let the government or local government take that right way by passing lows that can push people out of their homes or keep those who want to own a home from doing so.

As always, this is my opinion only, and it’s up to you to know what your government and local government is doing.
Steve Olmos
Selling real estate in Southern California since 1980
Steve Olmos:
Homequest Real Estate
Diana Olmos:
Statewide Funding Inc.
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